Research Databases
- The Information Processing
Centre in Warsaw (OPI)
research & development institution, supervised by State Committee
for Scientific Research (KBN) - responsible, among others, for widening
knowledge on scientific and technical information about the condition
of Polish science and Polish and foreign scientific research end results.
It places the following databases on-line:
- Scientific Research - SYNABA (over 140,000 reports
on scientific, research, and developmental papers, PhD and doctorate
dissertations, and scientific expert papers done by scientific and
research & development institutions and universities, collected
since 1984, and since 1996. also in English).
- PhD and Doctorate Dissertations (over 27,900
records including personal information concerning people who obtained a
PhD or doctor's degree and their dissertations, their alma maters,
reviewers and academic supervisors).
- Research Institutions (over 6,200 descriptions of
scientific institutions and research & development centres, and
institutions supporting research, such as archives, museums and
- Polish Research Directory ('Research Institutions'
collection in English).
- People of Science (over 65,000 records concerning
research workers, including approx. 9,000 professors, about 11,000
honoured doctors, and nearly 44,000 doctors; scientific disciplines and
specialties of these people are given in both Polish and English).
- Decision-Making and Advisory Institutions in the Field
of Science (approx. 460 descriptions including information on
institutions and central government offices responsible for research
policy, scientists' corporations and advisory social bodies).
- Social Scientific Movement (approx. 500
of societies, scientific and scientific & professional
associations, and foundations operating in the field of science).
- Institutions of Scientific and Technical Information in
Poland (over 9,500 records containing information on leading
libraries and centres for scientific and technical information).
- Science Offer (over 1,150 descriptions of new
technologies, products and services offered by scientific, and research
& development centres).
- National Citation Report for Poland - NCR (contains
over 114,000 entries about publications and citations from periodicals,
which form a resource database for the Institute for Scientific
Information in Philadelphia, USA; concerns articles whose at least one
of the authors is of Polish origin; covers data since 1981.).
- Quality and Certification (collection of formal
information concerning problems of quality management and certification
in the Polish world of researchers and technicians).